Countless legal orders are created and processed every day. Nonetheless, the options to generate, serve, file, and respond to these orders remain largely manual, notably lagging other advances in legal technology. Developing standard formats and data field definitions is a foundational step toward automation, including ensuring that data is “correct on capture.” (Common data fields include, for example, party names, issuing authority, document title, subject matter identifiers, and response deadline.)
In collaboration with other projects such as Stanford’s Filing Fairness Project, this project will develop uniform data structures that ensure reliable data capture, with the goal to support a variety of legal process automations.
Project lead: Tom Melling
The descriptions of current and past projects of CodeX non-residential fellows are provided to illustrate the kind of work our non-residential fellows are carrying out. These projects are listed here for informational purposes only and are not endorsed by CodeX, Stanford Law School, or Stanford University.