SLS COVID-19 Research, Analysis and Expert Opinion
Stanford Law School faculty are actively engaged in trying to solve the real and urgent legal and policy issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and influencing the national conversation, from spearheading research projects, hosting events to facilitate discussions and learnings, providing expertise to journalists, publishing articles and opinion pieces, and more. Covering a wide range of subject matter including elections, immigration, privacy, ethics, intellectual property, and health policy, here is a selection of their latest work related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
SLS News & Announcements
Faculty Op-eds

The Missing Piece — SARS-CoV-2 Testing and School Reopening
(This op-ed was first published in The New England Journal of Medicine on October 21, 2020.) On August 17, 2020, the Los Angeles Unified School District launched a program to test more than 700,000 students and staff for SARS-CoV-2. The district is paying a private contractor to provide next-day, early-morning results for…
Read More : The Missing Piece — SARS-CoV-2 Testing and School ReopeningLegal Aggregate

Stanford’s Mark Lemley on the Moderna IP Dispute with US Government
Vaccines have been an invaluable tool in fighting COVID-19, offering protections to millions. It has also raised interesting questions about intellectual property. Development of the Moderna vaccine took years and included a four-year collaboration between the company and the NIH—the U.S. government investing both time from its scientists but also…
Read More : Stanford’s Mark Lemley on the Moderna IP Dispute with US GovernmentMedia Coverage
COVID-19 Discussions
Stanford Law faculty, students and colleagues are actively engaged in addressing the important legal and policy challenges that have emerged as cities, states and countries respond to the novel coronavirus. This audio series includes discussions at the law school that are focused on the wide array of legal and policy issues that are related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
SLS Blogs

Safeguards for accelerated market authorization of vaccines in Europe
People around the globe are concerned about safety issues encircling the accelerated introduction of corona vaccines. In this article, we discuss the regulatory safeguards for fast-track market authorization of vaccines in Europe. In addition, we explain how the transmission of European Union law into national Member State legislation works. We…
Read More : Safeguards for accelerated market authorization of vaccines in Europe