Table of Contents
Spring ’23
Issue 108/Vol. 57/No. 2
From the Dean
Cover Story
Fighting for the Future of Indian Law
Stanford’s growing American Indian and Indigenous Law program is on the front lines of law, from the Supreme Court to Tribal Council Chambers.
NALSA: 50 Years of SLS Native Community
Legal Matters
A Discussion with Monica Howard Douglas, JD ’97, GC and SVP at the Coca-Cola Company
In Brief
Alumni and School News
Justice Stephen Breyer Visits Campus
Research Shows IRS Disproportionately Audits Black Taxpayers
Religious Liberty Clinic: Pioneering Education and Advocacy
Wastewater-based Infectious Disease Surveillance
Associate Dean for Public Service and Public Interest Law
In Focus
Daniel Goldman
A profile of Daniel Goldman, JD ’05, the newly elected congressman from Manhattan’s 10th District
Adair Ford Boroughs
A profile of Adair Ford Boroughs, JD ’07, who was sworn in as the U.S. attorney for the District of South Carolina in July 2022
Raúl Torrez
A profile of Raúl Torrez, JD ’05, who was elected New Mexico’s attorney general in November 2022
Martin Estrada
profile of Martin Estrada, JD ’02, who was sworn in as the U.S. attorney for the Central District of California in September 2022
Matt Platkin
A profile of Matt Platkin, JD ’14 (BA ’09), New Jersey’s youngest attorney general, who was confirmed to the role in September 2022
Social Media Posts Shape Our Perceptions About Crime
A look at the latest research by Julian Nyarko, associate professor of law
Point of View
Arthur Rock’s Intel Memo
Professors Joseph Grundfest, JD ’78, and Robert Bartlett discuss Arthur Rock’s 1968 memo that has gone on to influence much of startup business.
We, the (Native) People?
An excerpt from a paper coauthored by Professor Gregory Ablavsky and Tanner Allread, JD ’22/PhD ’25

Clinic News
Organizations & Transactions Clinic Creates Transformational Contracts for National Food Bank
Students and faculty discuss their work on a project creating contracts for the Feeding America Food Bank Network.
Faculty News
Ablavsky Receives Book Prizes and Teaching Award
Sinnar Appointed to Hate Crimes Commission
Brest, Martinez, Anderson Serving on Fossil Fuel Review Committee
Karlan Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Engstrom and Karlan Named ALI Reporters
Ho, MacCoun, Persily Receive Grants for AI-Related Ideas
Martinez and Smith Receive Book Award
McConnell Honored by Becket Fund
O’Connell Appointed to Federal Agency
Reese Tapped for White House Advisory Role
Zambrano Receives Civil Justice Award
Harvesting Climate Benefits From Agriculture and Forestry Practices
An essay by Katelyn McEvoy, JD/MS ’23, and Korey Mui (MBA/MS ’24)
The Last Word
Total Transparency
A student-led public interest salary guide assembles a wealth of data.
Class notes PDFs
In Print
Alumni publications
Shaded Boxes
Alumni profiles
In Memoriam
Alumni obituaries